• Mamelons
    Quick trivia question: define “mamelon.” Some kind of warm blooded animal? No, not a member of the mammal clan, but good guess. A fruit of the gourd family? Nope! There Read more
  • Team Dark Chocolate
    Valentine’s Day is the holiday to celebrate all the treasured relationships in your life. It’s a time to honor love in all shapes and forms with cards, social gatherings, and Read more
  • February is Heart Month
    The American Academy of Periodontology stresses the importance of good oral health since gum disease may be linked to heart disease and stroke. Thus far, no cause-and-effect relationship has been Read more
  • The ABCs of Vitamin C
    A as in Ascorbic Acid Ascorbic acid is just another name for vitamin C, which is one of the so-called “essential nutrients.” These are nutrients that are necessary for our bodies Read more
  • Ways to Prevent Oral Cancer
    According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, this form of cancer kills roughly one person an hour, every 24 hours. This means that nearly 10,000 people will die this year from Read more
  • Are you nervous about seeing the dentist? You’re not alone!
    With advances in modern dentistry, a trip to Torrance Family Dental these days is pretty routine. But visiting the doctor and our team still makes some patients anxious—so much so Read more
  • Make this the Year You Stop Smoking
    It’s a new year, and it couldn’t come fast enough for many of us! Let’s do our part to make this a better year in every way—and you can start Read more
  • It's a Wrap: Ending the year with a smile!
    People have been ushering in the New Year for centuries but it became an official holiday in 1582 when Pope George XIII declared January 1st to be the day on Read more
  • The Most Common Causes of Gum Disease
    Unless you're aware of the signs and symptoms of gum disease and how it's caused, it's possible that you may have unknowingly developed it. Often painless, gum disease -- or Read more
  • Why Professional Cleanings are Important
    Regular dental cleanings and checkups at our Torrance, California office are an excellent way to ensure everything is A-OK in your mouth. There’s a reason the American Dental Association recommends Read more
  • ‘Tis the Season—for Healthy Dental Choices!
    It might be the most wonderful time of the year, but if you’re dashing through the snow to an emergency dental appointment, you’re not feeling very jolly. And post-holiday, no Read more
  • When Snoring Becomes More Than Just Annoying
    Snoring occurs when the tissues in the throat relax enough to block part of our airways, or physical conditions such as enlarged tonsils or a deviated septum prevent air from Read more
  • Thanksgiving in North America
    Thanksgiving marks the start to the holidays; a season filled with feasting, indulging, and spending time with family and friends are always special. Thanksgiving is a holiday meant for giving Read more
  • Regular Cleanings Lead to Healthier Mouths and Bodies
    The American Dental Association and dentists everywhere, including our own the doctor recommend that you schedule an appointment every six months for a cleaning and checkup. Despite this universal recommendation Read more
  • How to Subtract Those Added Sugars
    Sugars are the simplest carbohydrates, and are found naturally in fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy products. Our bodies require these simple carbs for energy. (Even better, we don’t just get Read more
  • November Marks National Diabetes Awareness Month
    Diabetes is a chronic disease that increases the risk for many serious health problems, including severe gum disease. November is Diabetes Awareness Month, and it’s a great time for us Read more

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